Our boys did well too, Ruuti was 3rd best male and Rocky exc-3 with a cq in champion class. Girls did even better! Lilja was 3rd best bitch with a res-cc and Hertta was the best bitch! Wow!
Our breeder's group was BOB-breeder :)
On Sunday we were at Saarijärvi National All breed show. The judge was charming mr. Roberto Schill from Romania. Luna got an excellent critique and was BOB-puppy! Ruuti was BOB, Lilja BOS with a cc and Timon 2nd best male and BOB-veteran. So a lovely clean sweap!
But in the finals we did hit the jackpot, to us it definately was a jackpot!! Timon did it again by winning BIS-3 veteran under lovely judge mrs. Anca Giura!!!
And mr. Esa Ruotsalainen gave Group-1 to Ruuti!! Ruuti finished Best In Show 3 under judge mr. Roberto Schill again!!! Amazing day!! Congrats everyone for making it possible and thank you for taking such perfect care of your dogs, our loved ones...
Here is Ruuti pictured winning Best In Show at the Finnish Specialty in June.

And here is Timon a couple of weeks earlier winning BIS-3 and BIS-3 veteran at Juva show:

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