On Sunday it was time for this show and the judge was mr. Harri Lehkonen. Did I mention it was hot?? ;)
Luna was given BOB-puppy prize with a marvellous critique :)
Then it was time for our lovely boys; Seti who was competing in intermediate class and Timon in veteran class. Our oldie won best male and Seti "Wise Guy" had 2nd best male placement with another cc and first cacib from Finland! He looks great!
Lilja won the bitches (with I guess her 20th cc from Finland and a cacib) and in the end she was BOB and Timon BOS and BOB-veteran. Lilja was also shortlisted in the finals.
Congrats all the owners of our wonderful pups, you make this all possible <3
Here a couple of pics taken by JP.
Luna the puppy being evaluated by the judge.
Seti with his owner Tiia.

Lilja on the table.
Timon BOS and BOB-veteran and Lilja BOB.