Who knew how this day would end? It certainly didn't start well.... First of all, a little accident with the car. Then on our way to the show I noticed I had forgotten one dog that I was supposed to show, at HOME!! How weird is that?? :D
Our boys did great again! Rocky won the champion class of 5 and finally was 2nd best male with a res-cacib. Ruuti was 4th best male! Raisu got vg. Lilja was exc-3 in intermediate class this time.
Our breeder's group got, once again, a lovely critique from the judge mr. Rainer Vuorinen and an honour's prize!
The crowning of the day was meeting little Vilho, Hi-Lite Cola Candy, for the first time since he left us at 8 weeks of age. He is shy of 5 months now and looking good...... Thank you Paula and Teemu for taking such good care of this lovely fellow!