We are happy to announce our planned breeding between Maisa (C.I.B FI CH NO CH EE CH EEJW-09 BULLDOBAS CROWN JEWEL) and Hiro (BISS CIB SE DK CH DKW-13 WVV-10-11 VEUW-11 M'WAMI'S AMERICAN FORTUNE HUNTER).
Maisa has had 2 litters earlier and this will be her last one. From the first litter together with our own Timon, C.I.B NORD CH FIN CH SE CH NO CH EE CH RU CH EEW-09 RKFV-07 BULLDOBAS NO REGRETS, she produced TOP PUPPY 2011 and TOP MALE 2012, BIS FI CH EE CH HeJW-11 Hi-Lite Hot Rod, gorgeous bitch C.I.B NORD CH FI CH SE CH NO CH EE JCH FIJW-11 FIW-12 HI-LITE HULA HOOPS and BIS C.I.B NORD CH FI CH SE CH NO CH HI-LITE HONKY TONK. The fourth puppy out of that magnificent litter lives in Sweden and has got 2 cc's and a cacib!
Maisa's second litter with BISS FI CH NORDJW-09 NORDW-09 FIJW-09 KIMWITU'S DUKE E is now 16 months old. SBISP HeJW-13 FIJW-13 FIW-13 HI-LITE BULLDOBAS WOW FACTOR is the leading star right now, and has gained so far 11 ccs and several Group placements. Her brother Wise Guy has got BOB and 2 ccs from 3 shows! One of the sisters, Wild Child, is doing excellently in England.
Hiro is wonderful, Swedish gentleman, who will be 13 years! E.g. his latest offspring are very pleasing to me. His show success has been marvellous, and not getting any worse at this old age. He still constantly keeps on winning best of breeds! He has been BISS and BOS at Specialty show and e.g. BIS-1 veteran at Paris World Winner show. We are thrilled about him <3
So what can we say about our expectations of this becoming litter, they are huge!!! We expect red/white and tricolour puppies. So if you are interested in an own Hi-Lite puppy, please do contact us at hansukytta@hotmail.com or tel. +358445381688.