A week ago we took Ruuti and Timon to Tuusniemi show. The judge was mr. Urosevic from Serbia. Ruuti was Best of Breed and became a new Finnish Champion!! Timon was 2nd best male and BOB-veteran. In the finals mr. Pekka Teini placed Ruuti as 4th best in Group :))
At the same time Mervi took Lilja to Pello show. The judge over there was lovely mrs. Elina Haapaniemi. She did like Lilja when she was a puppy, and so did she like her today giving her an excellent critique with BOB and a cc :)
In the finals Lilja managed to win the joined group of 2 and 5!! Thank you judge mrs. Saija Juutilainen!
Finally she was Best in Show 2!! Amazing day for Hi-Lite. Two different dogs bred by us placed in a group the same day :)
The next day Lilja went on winning BOB again. This time is was the Finnish Show judges association Specialty show for Group 5 dogs. It was mrs. Paula Heikkinen-Lehkonen this time giving Lilja a lovely critique :)
A couple of weeks back Janne and I went to the famous Champion of Champions gala dinner show, invitation only. It was Ruuti that was invited being one of the most top winning show dogs in Finland year 2013. We had a blast and enjoyed every minute of it! Ruuti even managed to get to the second round! We are very proud of him.