The judge was mr. Francesco Cochetti from Italy, a new acquaintance to us. We were happy to see the young master Seti (HL Wise Guy) to enter the show. He did a wonderful job with his owner Tiia and won the junior class with an excellent and cq.
Ruuti on the other hand, who was entered in open class, had major problems with his chain collar (like he sometimes has - papa Duke has the exact same habit!!) and didn't gait at all but wanted to scratch his neck all the time :D Well, we know how he would look like then. Funny! Excellent to him this time.
I was very happy to show our "old" man Timon for the first time in years. He has been resting at home waiting to turn 8 years that allows him to enter to veteran class. Well, it was like he has never been out of the ring. He truly showed his paws to the younger ones not only winning BOB-veteran but also best male 1! I was so happy! And what made me even more happy, was Seti's placement as 2nd best dog with a cc! It was Seti's 3rd show in official classes and cc number 2.... Congrats Tiia!
When miss Lilja entered the ring, it was quite obvious who was going to be Best of Breed... She looked amazing, like always, so the BOB-junior and BOB titles were given to her. Great! This is the best pic we could manage with in the ice cold hall.
In the finals first out was Lilja in Royal Canin Junior competition. Mrs. Saija Juutilainen shortlisted her out of maybe 50-60 juniors, so we were very pleased.
Then it was time to choose the Best Veteran In Show. The jugdge was mr. Paavo Mattila, who gave Timon BIS-2 prize!!! Amazing boy he is <3
The it was time for the Group 5 to be judged. I was so excited because a dog after dog Lilja still stayed on in the competition... And finally won!!! She won Group-1 in very tough competition! Thank you mrs. Ligita Zake!
Huge congrats Mervi and JP!!! And thanks to Tuija for keeping me company <3 We will see what the rest of the year will bring us :)