We went to a 3 day trip to Helsinki, to attend to this massive show weekend.
On Friday the entry was over 30 and the judge was mrs. Outi Piisi-Putta. Our dream came true as for the first time a basenji bred by Hi-Lite won Best of Breed! And it was Ruuti, Hi-Lite Saturday Night Fever. The judge praised him and we agree with her. Ruuti got the title Helsinki Winner 2013 :) Rocky was excellent 4th with a cq in champion class. Congrats Tuija and Aki!
Sorry about the quality of this picture taken with my cell.... BOS was Behukai Elegant Pearl, congrats to her team once more!
Lilja (HL Wow Factor) continued her wonderful success winning the junior class of 7 girls and was finally 4th best bitch with her first ever title Helsinki Junior Winner 2013!!
Thank you Maarit Haavisto for this lovely picture of Lilja.
Saturday started great because Faruk won best of breed with the title Nordic Winner 2013 under judge mrs. Soile Bister!! There were 6 CAOs entered so we think highly of this win.
Later on there were about 60 basenjis entered to a judge mrs. Jadranka Mijatovic from Croatia. Ruuti was again the best Finnish dog and 3rd best male after all!! He is such a stunner. Rocky got excellent again, Lilja was among the best 7 basenji bitches out of a great entry, so a lovely result for her as well.
On Sunday the judge mrs. Magnus Hagsted gave excellents to both our boys Rocky and Ruuti, with cq to them. But the show was stolen by Lilja. This little girl won BEST OF BREED over almost 40 adult basenjis with a style!! She is such a piece of gold.... Lilja was also shortlisted in the final among the best 8. Congrats Mervi and JP!!