It was 5 Hi-Lite dogs entered, thank you all! First out was young master Seti with his owner Tiia, they did lovely job as first timers in an indoor show and Seti won the junior class with excellent critique and a cq. Well done!
Then it was Raisu's go in an intermediate class, he was exc-1 with a cq and so was brother Ruuti in open class. Janne beautifully handled Rocky again in champion class, excellent and a class win! So 4 of boys were shown, all winning their classes. After a very tough competition, the judge decided to give best male to Ruuti, followed by Rocky! Raisu was 4th best male with a res-cc.
Lilja was the only girl entered from Hi-Lite, but managed once again to win e.g. many champions and was the best bitch for the third time in a row in big international shows! She is truly amazing...
So the BOB competition was between Lilja and Ruuti and a very tough decicion for our judge. Ruuti, being more mature, won this time. Extremely happy!!
These 3 photos by Katja Lappalainen.

Ha ha, it is not always easy to stack a breeder's class... Still we managed to get a lovely critique.

In the finals, Hi-Lite group was chosen in the final 7 out of MANY wonderful groups by mr. Hans Lehtinen.
Our breed judge mrs. Soleckyj-Szpunar was also judging the group 5 and placed Ruuti as 2nd best in Group!! Thank you Salla Kuikka for this lovely photo.

Congrats once more to all our friends and the owners of our dogs, you are the best. Let's keep up the good work <3