Thursday, October 31, 2013

Kennel Club's Dog of the year 2013-competition in Finland

Now this competition is over for year 2013 and the results gave us more than we could ever even expect!

Sweet and gorgeous Ruuti, Hi-Lite Saturday Night Fever, has had a marvellous year so far. He has 11 ccs and he was 7 times BOB so far! From this 7 times he was in the Group finals, he was placed 6 times!!
So his final placement was 67th of ALL BREEDS here in Finland - amazing! He is still not 2 years we will see what the next year will bring to him :) Congrats Ruuti, Tuija & Aki!

Even more surprisingly our breeders class was placed as 27th of the year ALL BREEDS! Our group every time filled with young dogs only was shortlisted in the big ring in Jyväskylä, Lahti and Tampere before placed in our home town show Kuopio, winning BIS-1 breeder out of 6 at the Finnish Specialty and then hitting the jackpot at Iisalmi International!!

Thank you all our friends for making this possible, it wouldn't be possible without you <3

Faruk's health tests

Now our CAO boy Turkmen Stam Faruk has been officially health tested by his hips and elbows; results we the best possible A/A and 0/0!
We are naturally so very happy and pleased, not that we expected any less ;)

Monday, October 28, 2013

Lahti International

The day was perfect! 31 basenjis were entered for Slovenian judge mrs. Tatjana Urek.
Raisu, HL Smooth Operator, got a lovely critique and was in intermediate class exc2 with a cq. Ruuti (HL Saturday Night Fever) won the open class with a cq. Rocky (HL Hot Rod) managed to win the ch class of 7 males and was finally best male 1 with a cacib of course!! Ruuti was 4th best male! Just wonderful, but that wasn't it all..

Miss Lilja, 11 months, won the bitches! She was BOS to Rocky with another cc and also BOB-junior. In the big ring with I'd say along almost 100 other juniors, she was shortlisted by mrs. Leni Finne. BOB-BOS pic by Ami.

In the Group final breeder judge Leila Kärkäs gave the BIG-4 rosette to Rocky!! That was so wonderful! Pic by Pasada.

Congrats Laura, Mervi and Tuija, and thank you for everything - once again <3

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Monday, October 21, 2013

The king and the princess of Seinäjoki International show :)

Hi-Lite showed only two dogs for the judge mrs. Anne Indergaard from Norway. The entry 13 was of high quality, that's why we are extremely happy of the results as follows...

Ruuti "Hi-Lite Saturday Night Fever" Best of Breed with a cc and a cacib PLUS Group-2. The entry of the whole show was almost 4000 and the group winning pomeranian was finally Best In Show, so we didn't definately lose to a bad dog ;)

Lilja "Hi-Lite Bulldobas Wow Factor" Best of Opposite Sex with a cc, too young to receive her cacib!

Thank you JP for these photos. Congrats to Tuija and Mervi, thank you <3

Finally a picture of Ruuti winning Group-1 in Mikkeli!

Thank you Paula Heikkinen-Lehkonen for this gorgeous pic. The judge is mr. Esa Ruotsalainen.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Puppies expected on 9th December 2013!!

Yesterday Finny mated Hertta, and of the behaviour of them both we can say the timing was definately right. Hertta was being.. well.. a bitchy bitch and Finny was a true gentleman through out the whole ceremony :))

So happy everything went well, in couple of weeks we will know if the tummy starts to get bigger. Will let everyone know!

Thank you so much Ari, Janne, Tiina and Mari for your help so far!