On Sunday we went to Iisalmi International Show. The weather was more than hot, it was boiling. But the atmosphere was great for our team right from the beginning :)
The judge for Basenjis was mrs. Elina Haapaniemi. She is always very pleasant when judging. Janne took Lilja (Wow Factor) to the ring first and her result was, once again, BOB-puppy with a pleasing critique! It can be found from Lilja's own show results' page. She is one true little princess <3
Then it was Raisu's (Smooth Operator) go to enter the ring and he won the intermediate class with a cq.
Both our dogs got an excellent in champion class, Rocky (Hot Rod) first and Tico (Honky Tonk) second. In the best male Rocky was placed as first with a cacib and Raisu was second with a cc!
Then we got really excited about the bitches, as it was Hertta's turn and she was lacking her last cacib needed for her C.I.B.-title....
And she DID it with best bitch and a cacib! Hooray!! She is just a bit over 2,5 years and got her first cacib 3.August 2012 and now this last one 4.August 2013 :D So quite nice right?
In the finals we had success too! Group 5 was judged by mr. Michael Leonard from Ireland. He placed Rocky as Group-3!
Then it was the breeder's groups and the judge was mrs. Ligita Zake. Our dream came true when the first prize was handed to us...
(Both photos by Marko Salmela - thank you!)
We want to congratulate specially Mari and Timo for keeping Hertta is tip top shape always and loving her so much!!
Also super thanks Niina for your help <3 Thank you thank you also Mervi and Laura!! We couldn't do this without you...
Want to add also this photo of Faruk taken past week at our local match show. He was having so much fun with "papa-Janne", we will see if we will enter him to a couple of shows later this year again, once he gets his coat back :D Photo by Sinttu Ruuskanen.