It has been a long time since the basenji entry has been as high as it was in Lahti, 29. The judge was mr. Arne Foss from Norway. The day was so much fun with many basenji people around the ring :)
First we got to show our junior boy Rommi, Hi-Lite Candy Cane, and he was excellent-3 in his class with a lovely critique! I was very pleased of the way how he showed!
Then Janne showed Ruuti, and the result was best male 1 with a cacib! In junior bitches Luna looked beautiful and lost only to her cousin Mimmi, gaining excellent with a cq!
It was Lilja's first time to enter the champion class with Mervi, and they won bb1 with a cacib!! So once again it was Ruuti vs Lilja competing for the best of breed - this time the winner was Ruuti!
Our breeder's group won BOB out of 2 :)
The day became even more perfect when Ruuti won the extremely tough group 5 under judge Leni Finne! We were so thrilled!!! Congrats all the owners of our lovely babies and thank you for all the hard work you have done with them - love you!!
Under you can find mixed photos from the show, taken by Ida Huttunen, Maarit Haavisto, Pasada Ky and Texterri.